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原子分子科学论坛(114): Study Carbon Allotropes Employing Coupled Cluster Theory
浏览:发布时间:2023年12月28日 10:56作者:[我要打印]

报告题目:Study Carbon Allotropes Employing Coupled Cluster Theory

报告人:杨一凡博士 佛罗里达大学



杨一凡博士师从丁益宏教授,于2013年在吉林大学理论化学研究所取得硕士学位。2014年加入海德堡大学的Lorenz S. Cederbaum教授课题组(德国国家科学院院士,国际分子量子科学院院士,马克思普朗克原子物理所外聘专家)并于2020年取得博士学位。2021年加入佛罗里达大学John F. Stanton课题组(国际分子量子科学院院士)。主要研究方向为使用高精度的耦合簇方法(CC和EOM-CC)研究较大分子体系(富勒烯和碳环)电子结构。基于纯理论计算的研究结果,已经发表在Angew. Chem.,Sci. Chem., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2021年编辑推荐), J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 等知名杂志上。

Carbon allotropes are simple and complex at the same time. They are made of a simple element, namely carbon, and possess complex electronic states. By employing the state-of-the-art coupled cluster theory, we studied the ground and excited states of carbon allotropes and their derivatives, i.e., endohedral fullerenes and endocircular carbon rings. Interestingly, despite the charge-separated states of endohedral fullerenes, we found several hitherto unknown non-charge-separated states, i.e., caged-electron state, split-electron state, and encircular-electron state. The weakness of coupled cluster is also mentioned.
1) S.-J. Hou, Y.-F. Yang*, Z.-H. Cui*, and L. S. Cederbaum*. Can anions possess bound doubly-excited electronic states? Chem. Sci. (just accepted)
2) Y.-F. Yang, and L. S. Cederbaum*. Endocircular Li Carbon Rings. Angew. Chem., 2021, 60, 16649.
3) Y.-F. Yang, and L. S. Cederbaum*. Caged-electron States and Split-electron States in Endohedral Alkali C60. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 11837. (2021 HOT PCCP article)
4) Y.-F. Yang, E. V. Gromov, and L. S. Cederbaum*. Caged-Electron States in Endohedral Li Fullerenes. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 7617.

版权所有: 吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所   E-mail:iamp@jlu.edu.cn
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