Topic:Retrieving Orientation-Resolved Molecular Information Using Time-Domain Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy
Reporter: Dr. Wang Xu
Time:14:00 pm, Apr. 5, 2017
Location: 504, Lecture Hall, the Life Sciences Building
Hosted by: Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics
Dr. Wang Xu was born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1985, and graduated from Nanjing University and obtained his doctor degree at University Rochester USA. After a postdoctoral in Chii-Dong Lin Group at Kansas State University, he is now working as an associate research fellow at China Academy of Engineering Physics. His study has mainly focused on photo ionization and high order harmonic generation, etc. He has published over 20 papers on Phys. Rev. A, Sci. Rep.and other journals.