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Atomic and Molecular Science Forum (30)

Date: 2017-02-21 Author: Visits:

Topic:The progress of the precision spectroscopy with Calcium ion   

Reporter: Research Fellow, Gao Ke-lin

Time: 15:30 pm, Feb. 23, 2017

Location: 504, Lecture Hall, the Life Sciences Building

Hosted by: Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics


Gao Ke-lin, a research fellow at Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, obtained his doctor degree at University of Science and Technology of China. He was a visiting scholar at University of Washington, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and National Physical Laboratory.

His study has mainly focused on the ion trap physics, ion storage and cooling, quantum state in ion and precision spectroscopy. As a “Project 973” chief scientist, contributes not only in optical frequency standards (light clock) which based on single trapped and laser cooled calcium ion, but also in measured frequency which adopted by the international organizations.