Topic: Multi-scale simulation of the orderly chaos of proteins
Reporter: Professor Chen Jianhan
Time: 9:30 am, July 29, 2016
Location: 504, Lecture Hall, the Life Sciences Building
Hosted by: Institute of atomic and molecular physics
Introduction: Prof. Chen Jianhan obtained bachelor degree at USTC in 1998, and then graduated from University of California at Irvine, with a Master Degree in Chemistry in 2000 and a Doctor Degree in Chemistry and Materials Physical in 2002. Now he works at Department of Biochem & MolBiophys, Kansas State University, and is also on an editorial board of Scientific Reports and other magazines. His major research covers biochemical computing, improving sophisticated computing method and expanding its application to the research of dynamics and biological molecules structure and functions. Supporting by NSF, NIH and other research institute, so far he has already published 59 papers, and H factor is about 25.