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Actinide endohedral boron clusters: a closed-shell electronic structure of U@B40

Miss. Tianrong Yu from the group of Prof. Zhigang Wang Publised an entitled “Actinide endohedral boron clusters: a closed-shell electronic structure of U@B40” in Nano research.(DOI:0.1007/s12274-017-1637-9;



Boron Clusters B40 were experimentally discovered in 2014, with a "Chinese Red Lantern" style structure, which makes people re-understand a spectacular boron world and once again aroused great interest to explore the structures and functional performances of borrenes materials. And the distinctive electronic bonding properties of actinide-containing clusters have made them the subject of increased attention. Under the guidance of Prof. Zhigang Wang, the electronic structure of actinide U atom embedded boron clusters was first predicted by Tianrong Yu, et al.. The study points out that the 5f valence shell electrons of U atom combine perfectly with the B40 valence electrons and it exhibites a 32-electron (1S21P61D101F14) without spin polarization effect core-shell configuration, which all the s, p, d, and f shells of the U atom are filled. This work may provide a useful reference for the design and synthesis of actinide-containing materials.

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