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Kiyoshi Ueda




以第一作者/通讯作者身份在Nature (2篇),Nature Photonics (4篇),Nature Physics (4篇),  Phys. Rev. Lett. (52篇) 等知名期刊上发表文章超过500篇,引用超过15000次,h-因子为57;撰写了超过20篇综述,在国际会议上做大会报告超过60次。
现担任Phys. Rev. X的编委,曾担任美国物理学会(American Physical Society)的国际顾问委员 (2014-2017), 以及J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 的编委 (2003-2014)。



Born 2nd November, 1954


B. A., Kyoto University Japan, March, 1977

Ph. D., Kyoto University, Japan, March, 1982

Professional carriers:

Research Associate, Tohoku University, Japan, April 1982 - May 1990

Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Japan, June 1990 - March 2003

Full Professor, Tohoku University, April 2003 - Present

Visiting/invited positions abroad:

Visiting Scientist, Univ. Maryland USA, February 1985 - February 1987

Invited Senior Scientist, Daresbury Laboratory, United Kingdom, August 1992 - September 1993

Invited professor, Universite Paris Sud, France, October 1996 - September 1997

International Editorial activities (selected):

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. Editorial Board

International Reviewing and Advisory activities (selected):

CFEL visiting Review Panel (2010~  )

LCLS Proposal Review Panel (2008~2010)

UK NLS Project (2009~2010), Technical Advisory Committee

UK 4GLS project (2006~2008), International Advisory Board

Photon Science Institute (2006~2009), University of Manchester, UK, International Advisory Board

International Conference activities (selected):

International Workshop on Structure and dynamics of Free and Supported Nanoparticles using Short Wavelength Radiation 2011, Co-chair

International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces 2010, Chair

International Workshop on Electronic Spectroscopy of Gas-Phase Molecules and Solid Surfaces 2009, Chair

International Workshop on Photoionization 2002, Chair

International Workshop on Photoionization 2008, 2005, 2000, International Advisory member

International Conference on VUVX Physics 2010, International Advisory member

International Conference on X ray and Inner-shell Processes 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, International advisory member

International Conference on VUV Physics 2006, 2003, Program committee member

International Conference on Multi-photon processes 2011, 2008, International Advisory member

International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure 2009, 2006, Program committee member

International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions 2011, 2009, General committee member