报告题目:Tunneling exit characteristics from back propagation
报 告 人:倪宏程
Technische Universität Wien博士后研究助理
报告人简介: 倪宏程博士,本科毕业于南京大学,获University of Colorado博士学位,主修强场超快原子分子光物理理论。研究方向包括多电子原子体系中的光电离延时;超快过程阿秒种刻度校准;原子、分子强场隧穿电离出口特性、氦二聚体的单、双光子电离;原子少光子电离中的光吸收延时;原子、分子少光子双电离中的选择定则。
Abstract: We investigate tunneling ionization of a model helium atom in a strong circularly polarized short laser pulse using the classical backpropagation method and compare ten different tunneling criteria on the same footing, aiming for a consistent classical picture of the tunneling dynamics. These tunneling criteria are categorized into velocity-based, position-based, and energy-based criteria, according to different notions of a tunnel exit. We find that velocity-based criteria give consistent tunneling exit characteristics with nonadiabatic effects fully included. Other criteria are either inconsistent, or only able to include nonadiabatic effects partially. Furthermore, we construct a simple tunneling rate formula, identify a term in the rate responsible for the nonadiabatic effects, and demonstrate the importance of this term.