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报告题目: An Introduction to European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility and its Science Opportunities

报告人:Wei Lu


报告地点:腾讯会议https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/3ZHfamk81Vgl 会议 ID708 781 579



Wei Lu obtained his M.Sc degree from Sun Yat-Sen University in China and obtained his PhD degree from University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. He worked as a Post-doc at University of Duisburg-Essen in an instrumentation project for FLASH, Hamburg and then worked at TU Berlin in an instrumentation project for European XFEL, Hamburg. From 2016, he joined the MID beamline @ European XFEL as a beamline scientist. His research interests focused on laser-matter interactions, study of ultrafast structural dynamics in material with ultrafast X – Ray diffraction and imaging techniques, and now with X-Ray pump-probe techniques. He also participated in designing and commissioning the MID beamline end station.



The intense, ultra-short, and coherent X-Ray pulses provided by X-ray Free-Electron Lasers (XFELs) open up areas of research with X-Ray that were previously inaccessible. Combining the advantages of their atomic-scale resolution and ultrafast timescale resolution, these 4th generation light sources revolutionize the way we study matter at the atomic and molecular level. In this talk, the generation mechanism of X-Ray pulses from XFELs and some recent developments on the technology, leading to further improvement of the potential applications of XFELs, will be introduced. Moreover, I will briefly review the statuses of the XFEL facilities around the world, and then focus on presenting the European X-Ray Free- Electron Laser Facility, which is the current biggest X-ray laser in the world and just started its user operations in Sep 2017. Some scientific research topics enabled by the facility will also be provided in the talk.